Concept Details
Class state
Concept Identifier ECCMA.eOTD:0161-1#02-153697#1
Definition state: an aggregation of information about the analysis variables of a model that describes the model at an instant. - ISO 10303-104:2000(en), 3.2.9
Term ID Language Term Source Source Reference
ECCMA.eOTD:0161-1#TM-2945997#1 en - US state ECCMA SC5 ISO 10303-104:2000(en),3.2.9(1000050582)
Definition ID Language Term Source Source Reference
ECCMA.eOTD:0161-1#DF-2946483#1 en - US state: an aggregation of information about the analysis variables of a model that describes the model at an instant. - ISO 10303-104:2000(en), 3.2.9 ECCMA SC5 ISO 10303-104:2000(en),3.2.9(1000050582)