Concept Details
Class eMail address
Concept Identifier ECCMA.eOTD:0161-1#02-140061#1
Definition An identifier representing the location on the internet of a email box to which a message is to be delivered. Email addresses are formatted in accordance with RFC 5321 and consist of a local part, an @ symbol, then a domain part. The domain part is not case-sensitive, but local-parts may be. An example of an email address would be
Term ID Language Term Source Source Reference
ECCMA.eOTD:0161-1#TM-2732492#1 en - US eMail address ECCMA
Definition ID Language Term Source Source Reference
ECCMA.eOTD:0161-1#DF-2250518#1 en - US An identifier representing the location on the internet of a email box to which a message is to be delivered. Email addresses are formatted in accordance with RFC 5321 and consist of a local part, an @ symbol, then a domain part. The domain part is not case-sensitive, but local-parts may be. An example of an email address would be ECCMA